Moving from Children's Services to Adult Social Care Services

If a child receives health and care support from Children's Services, it is likely they will continue to need this level of support as they become an adult. This means their care package will need to move from Children's Services to Adult Social Care.

Who will support my family with the transition?

Surrey County Council's Transition Team gives support to young people known to the Children with Disabilities (CWD) team, from the age of 14 to 18 years old. A support plan will be created with the young person to help them work towards the goals they have for themselves as adults.

The Transition Team can also provide support to young people with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan, or special education needs or disability, if they are likely to meet the criteria for Adult Social Care when they are 18 years old. The Transition Team can be invited to attend the young person's review meeting from Year 9 onwards. The focus of their support plan will be to ensure the transition to Adult Social Care services, as well as new education providers or employers happens smoothly, with the young person and their family feeling fully confident about the future.

Support for parents and carers

As a parent or carer, you may be eligible for a carer's assessment. The assessment will look at what you do to look after your child's health and care needs, the support that the council could offer, and potential support from other local services. This can be particularly important when your child becomes an adult, as their lifestyle may change (i.e. no longer being in full time education), which could affect your caring responsibilities.

The carers' guide to support outlines support that can be available to carers in Surrey.

Looked after children (LAC)

For 'looked after' young people, there is an established route (or 'pathway') through to the Care Leavers Service from the age of 16. The young person will be allocated a personal advisor who will help them with making decisions about their next steps, such as continuing in education, or getting a job. The Care Leavers Service can be contacted on

For 'looked after' young people with SEND, the Transition Team works jointly with a personal advisor from the Care Leavers Service.

Independent advice and support

  • Family Voice Surrey is a parent and carer forum for families with children aged 0 to 25 in Surrey, who have special educational needs or disabilities.
  • Contact offer a freephone helpline for families with disabled children and young people.
  • SEND Advice Surrey offer impartial advice by phone and face to face to parents and carers, to help improve access to services and support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
  • Action for Carers supports and campaigns on behalf of carers in Surrey.
  • Become is a charity for children in care and young care leavers.