Mainstream banding SEND framework

Funding model for Education Health and Care (EHC) Plans in mainstream schools

Following our Schools and Public Consultation earlier this year, Surrey County Council will implement changes to the way in which children and young people with an EHC plan are funded in mainstream educational settings.

From September 2023, the new Banding model will be used in Secondary Schools and for children going through Key Stage Transfer as well as any new EHC plans issued.

Primary Schools will transition to the new model from September 2024.

We have now successfully completed the transition of all EHC plans already in place in Secondary Schools into the new banding framework using the closest band to match the appropriate level of funding.

For more information, please see the following guidance:

What's changed?

Under the previous system, funding for children with an EHC plan was allocated to schools at a set hourly rate paid through the High Needs Block in the form of Individual Pupil Support Budget (IPSB). This rate was based on a notional amount, identified for support provided by a Teaching Assistant (TA).

After consultation with School Headteachers and SENCOs, Surrey County Council is moving to a banding system for funding for children with an EHC plan. This system aims to allow schools greater flexibility to use each child's funding on a variety of interventions, activities and resources, in the most appropriate way to deliver the provision outlined in their EHC plan. This will enable schools to support each child's need in a holistic way.

Mainstream school (SEND) banding framework

Surrey County Council has developed the Mainstream School (SEND) Banding Framework, in partnership with maintained and other state-funded mainstream schools, Surrey Educational Psychology Service, SEND Advice Surrey, Physical and Sensory Support Service, Therapies and Education Finance.

The bands within this framework apply to EHC plan funding, where a pupil attends a mainstream school or sixth-form. Specialist schools, resourced/ centre provision within a mainstream school, post-16 further education (FE) other than at sixth-form and National Curriculum Year groups lower than NCY0 have their own funding arrangements or Banding Frameworks.

The purpose of the banding framework is to provide a shared understanding for schools, the local authority, other education related professionals, parents/carers, and services such as health and social care, to:

  • Assist in identifying the support level required for children and young people with additional needs alongside the Ordinarily Available Provision document for Schools.
  • Provide guidance on provision recommended to meet these needs.
  • Contribute to the development of inclusive practice.
  • Provide a framework to support robust decision-making in relation to Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessments and Annual Reviews.
  • Determine the funding that the local authority pays to mainstream schools for children with an EHC plan.

Levels of Support

There are six bands within the framework:

  1. SEN Support
  2. Targeted 1
  3. Targeted 2
  4. Enhanced 1
  5. Enhanced 2
  6. Bespoke

Each level of need and provision builds on that described at the previous level, as part of graduated response describing increased complexity and intensity of need.

Funding follows a child based on their holistic needs and the provision stated in their EHC plan, rather than depending on hours of one-to-one support.

For more information about the levels of support, please see the Mainstream School (SEND) Banding Framework document (PDF).